The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


Your time and talents are also valuable contributions. Volunteering your services to the church or community organizations demonstrates your generosity in a tangible way.



For additional information, CLICK on title.         



Some areas and/or ministries that need volunteers:




Altar Guild:    Contact: Wyleen Hinkle

Building Maintenance:    Contact: Sally Allen

Community Dinner:    Contact: Nancy McLoughlin

Food Pantry:    Contact: Chris Thompson (Sign-up sheet
                             in Narthex, on tall table)

Worship Aids:    Contact: Wyleen Hinkle

Website Content:    Contact: Dixon Brandt (423-839-0243)

Audio Tech:    Contact: Karoline Van Horn

ZOOM Operator:    Contact: Karoline Van Horn






Copyright © 2022 - 2024 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Morristown, TN. All rights reserved.

Revised: 2024/10/05